Monday, April 4, 2022

Blog #7 EOTO Presentation Discoveries

 Today in class I learned a lot more about communication technologies of the past as well as those that control our daily activities and habits. I chose to write about one I felt I was most uneducated about prior to the presentations today, that was drones. During the presentation, I learned that drones and the meaning of a drone have changed dramatically over the years. The idea of a drone was first thought of in 1782 by a  French man names Joseph Montgolfier. He was concerned about a threat of attack on his city and he created a contraption one night staring into his fireplace that resembles something like a hot air balloon that we know today. From this realization, he found that it would be beneficial to see above an area and examine all that is living and happening below that on the ground. 

He later partnered with an American electrical engineer by the name of Abraham Karma, who aided in the creation of a more modern drone that would be used today. Early prototypes came with complications and areas where obvious advancements were needed quickly appeared. The first drone was used for the Israeli Air Force, which then lead to other armies and military forces requesting access to drones for military use in 2001.   

These drones and the more modern versions come with multiple benefits including, providing military intelligence for those who are not able to be in sight or near a battleground for example. It also can see threats and possible dangers that can then be communicated to the necessary people to defend against an attack or keep people safe. On the other hand modern-day drones come with negatives as well, for example, there can be a threat to security and privacy. Drones do not have any laws or regulations to follow like where they can or cannot be flying overhead. Also, drones are not always the most accurate, for example, innocent people were killed when a drone dropped bombs on someone believed to be a terrorist but in reality, it was innocent civilians that were killed due to the inaccuracy of drones. Overall, I enjoyed learning about drones and I believe that when used in the proper ways drones can be very beneficial to society and in many professions. 

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