Monday, March 14, 2022

Blog #1 Five News Sources

 In this day in age, information is constantly circulating and impacting individuals' daily lives. With the evolution of technology, the abundance and availability of news sources are constantly increasing providing viewers with options of where they obtain their information from. It is very important to me that I am taking in diverse news sources so I am able to get more details as well as understand more and form an opinion on the topic at hand. 

The first and probably most convenient news source I find news on is social media, specifically Instagram. I typically find myself scrolling on Instagram and will come across a post regarding a current event. If this topic piques my interest I then would leave Instagram to get a more credible sources outlook on the same topic. I find that social media, in general, provides a convenient and fast way to get current news. Instagram allows for the opportunity to get updates and follow the news channel of your liking, for example, ABC News, FOX, and CNN all have Instagram accounts on which they post credible updates on trending and current news. I recommend Instagram as a starting point for researching news as it can be personalized to your preferences and is very convenient if you are an active social media user. 

Youtube is a news source where I find myself viewing content on lighthearted topics such as lifestyle, beauty, fashion, and design.Youtube is a platform full of Instant Influencers who range in a variety of industries and there truly is something for everyone to watch on Youtube which is why I think it is so great. For those like myself who are visual learners, youtube provides visuals and verbals to the viewer that lack in regular print channels of news. Many credible and trustworthy individuals and companies have created a Youtube channel as an additional outlet for viewers to interact with their content as the younger generations typically move away from print news Youtube provides opportunity. I would recommend Youtube to those looking for an audible and visual option to get news when it is convenient to them. It gives the viewer flexibility because they do not need to be in front of a television to view news and it provides such diverse options for viewers to choose from. 

The third source of news that I have grown up reading for news is the New York Times. Growing up in New Jersey allowed easy access to have the New York Times Newspaper be delivered to our home every day. I can recall my parents telling me about interesting topics and stories that were included in that day's newspaper. As I got older I began to skim through the headlines hoping a line would catch my eye. I most commonly would read topics in travel, business, sports, and world news. Since moving away from home I find myself visiting the New York Times website for news. This website is very easy to use by providing viewers with a menu bar full of potential categories of stories so you can easily find what interests you at the moment. Lastly, the New York Times is up on all major trends and is a very well-respected publication that I think everyone should add to their list of sources for daily news stories. 

NYT Open

A more recent addition to my list of new sources is Fox News. Since moving to the south for school I have heard many more, people talk about Fox as their main source for updates. I decided I would tune into Fox News on the television when I was home and compare it to the ABC News which was on in my house often when growing up. Fox News is a source I would recommend to others because it is the most viewed network for news for the past 7 years with better ratings than competitors like MSNBC and CNN. I recommend Fox News to those looking to form their own opinions and may need an opinionated outlook for comparison.

 Fox News Tops August Ratings As Most Watched Cable Network – Deadline

Finally, I tend to get my news from word of mouth. Being surrounded by students in classes, a dorm, or a dining location people are always conversing about trending topics, current events and life in general. The power of storytelling and word of mouth has survived through generations. Because I believe that everyone should have an opinion and is entitled to havinig their own I welcome conversation about current events to not only educate myself but others by sharing my personal opinion as well. I recommend talking to peers, professors, and community members about current news to provide you with a more well rounded outlook on what is currently happening where we live. 

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