Thursday, March 17, 2022

Blog #2 Supreme Court

Blog #2 

While watching the video about the Supreme Court I learned quite a lot in just twenty minutes. I feel as though I previously lacked knowledge about the Supreme Court as it is typically not taught in general history courses I have taken. The video taught me that the current President at the time will elect one individual to be the Chief Justice to serve throughout the president's term in office. That individual will serve as Chief Justice for the entirety of the President's term and then will have the opportunity to continue as a member of the Supreme Court but just not as the Chief Justice. I also did not know that the premise of the Supreme Court has been around since George Washington was president. When the Judiciary Act of 1789 was signed Washington "specified the court would be made up of six justices who would serve on the court until they die or retire." Learning that the concept of the Supreme Court has been around since the first president of the USA is very interesting and shows how successful the concept has been as it had withheld the test of time. 

The most important takeaway from the video is how ethical and successful the Supreme Court has stayed through generations. The Supreme Court has maintained credibility and respect within congress, the government, the court system, and the public. The Supreme Court is an imperative piece of society and the justice system as a whole. As Americans, we are subject to a fair and just trial and if that is not what we are provided we should have the right to stand up and fight for the rights we are promised as citizens. I enjoyed learning more about the Supreme Court and I suggest that all Americans become aware of the opportunities and rights we are subject to as citizens of the United States. The Supreme Court has made lasting impressions on the country whether good or bad through the cases they are presented at the Supreme Court level. Without them, our country would look very different than it currently does. The Supreme Court is essential to our country and needs to be respected and maintained in an ethical manner to ensure a fair trial for all Americans. 

The Supreme Court Building - Supreme Court of the United States

The most surprising aspect that I learned from watching the video and reading the article is that each justice writes their opinion and argument in the hopes to persuade the other justices to join their side to defend the argument that they believe is the best fit for the case at hand. Each Supreme Court Justice takes months to compose and write their thoughts and opinions down before presenting them to the other justices. Each individual's goal is to persuade the others to join their side. After this lengthy process concludes the justices come to a mutual agreement and then release their argument to the press. I am surprised that this process takes place after hundreds of years. I personally think that a more efficient process could be put in place so those involved in the court case do not have to wait months to a year to find out the ruling of the court. 

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The video changed the way that I think about the Supreme Court because since I am not typically an individual who reads about court cases I figured that the Supreme Court had strict laws and regulations to keep the decision and case private amongst themselves since they hold such a mighty power. In reality, every thought and opinion is published to the press in print to let the public in on the decision-making of the justices. This was very interesting to me and almost confusing at the same time that the cases become so public to the media. Overall, I enjoyed watching the videos and interview clips as well as reading the article to get a broad overview of information about the inner workings of the Supreme Court. 

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