Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Blog #3 Eight Values of Expression

 The Eight Values of Free Expression are key theories to help comprehend the importance of the first amendment and freedom of speech for all Americans. During class when Dr. Smith spoke about these theories it truly made me think deeply about the importance and relation that the theories have to my personal life and practices. 

In my personal life, I find that The Marketplace of Ideas Theory resonates the most with me. I have grown up in a family that is not very political nor am I a person who turns to trending political news as a first choice. Therefore, I feel as though I lack knowledge about these related topics. Coming to college, I found myself surrounded by many opinionated people and I asked myself why I was not as opinionated as they were. I then did some research on the topics being discussed at the time to form my own opinion. In that past situation and even now I realize that having a "Marketplace of Ideas" is so crucial. I was able to conduct research from a multitude of sources, authors, journalists, and even informal sources like blogs or on social media. The Marketplace of Ideas Theory, first thought of by John Milton not only provides a range of sources but it allows for propaganda to be ruled out. The Bill of Rights has provided this marketplace idea to Americans for hundreds of years. "That provision has been the fundamental protection afforded to distribution and discussion of ideas, information, and the broader array of expression throughout the history of our country." The Bill of Rights and other foundational regulations and laws make this country a democracy and fundamental in the idea of having a marketplace of ideas. 

  "As years passed and sources and sources of information proliferated, public relations and propaganda evolved in sophistication and style. The words image and spin entered daily parlance, and in both cases, manipulated messages were involved. (Overholser & James)" The marketplace of ideas comes with many challenges in the modern context because of the abundance and differentiation among the competing sources throughout media channels. Although this idea faces some challenges, I find it still has a very strong significance in the modern world.

Protect Dissent is most important in my opinion. The idea of protect dissent is having the ability to criticize the government and form your own opinion as well as voice that opinion as freedom of speech. Society should not be seen as one, there cannot be one power telling others how to think, act, or what to say; that would not be a democracy. Freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The first amendment proclaims that citizens can speak freely "without government interference or regulation". I think that this ideation needs to be more prominent in today's society. I often feel as though when reading an article or watching the news they are being overly persuasive in the way they are presenting the facts. News should be mainly focused on the facts of what is happening and less on the opinion of those presenting the news because then that one opinion can sway the true gut feeling of the viewer. We may think "oh, well if that is how the journalist feels it must be right because they are credible." In reality, everyone should form their own, individual opinion after viewing the media channels of your choice. 


Of the Eight Values of Expression, the one that feels most personal to me is the idea of Promote Innovation. This idea refers to the effect that freedom of speech has on people; freedom of speech allows people to express their creativity, be more energized, and discuss diverse topics in interesting manners. This piqued my interest because I found it as a very interesting way to interpret freedom of speech and all that is included in the first amendment. Many people need an outlet for their creativity and speech and assembly are ways to express yourself that should not face reprecussions for their nature. 

Individual Self-fufillment seems to be most prevelant in todays society. As society becomes more accpeting of a variety of types of people I think that self actualization has increased signifcantly. People are concerned about themselves and will do almsot anything to strenghten their identity in their community. In a big crowd, at a university, in the classroom, in a club, how are you going to stand out? The first amendment gives everyone the protected right to speak, criticize, and think what we want giving everyoen their own unique standpoint. 

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