Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Blog #5 Artificial Intelligence

The age of Artificial Intelligence is quickly creeping into our daily lives without us even knowing. Many individuals mindlessly give parts of themself up to companies like Google, Apple, and many more. Our phones and laptops unlock everything by scanning our face or by scanning a fingerprint loaded into our laptop, our credit card numbers are saved into Google accounts as well as a number of passwords and files. I find myself questioning how safe and secure are these databases? 

I have personally always been someone who has been opposed to in home ai, virtual. assistant technology sources. I have always found that as an invasion of privacy as those devices are always turned on and ready to respond. As a consumer by voicing just two words this device will grant your every wish. To me that raises many red flags but still, products like Alexa or an Echo Dot are still widely distributed and used. " Everything in the following few seconds is perceived to be a command or a request, and it's up to Amazon's cloud computers, where the correct response is triggered." Many. stories and theories surround these devices about how 'they are always listening.' 

To what extent are our gadgets spying on us and how much information do they store without our knowledge? Isn't it convenient how advertisements will appear online for a product you were talking to your friends about the night before. This. has.  now become a normal occurrence to many people but how is it truly possible? According to the New York Times, "the information it collects about you is used to market more products and services to you." I find this to be a concern, I now consciously make an effort to not save passwords, add cookies or give out much personal information to companies or outsiders unless necessary. 

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