Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Blog 10 Echo Chamber EOTO#2

 For the second EOTO presentation, my group was tasked with researching multiple topics in the media sphere. Our topics range from mainstream media, online influencers, alternative media, whistleblowers, and echo chambers. Many of these topics are terms and concepts many are aware of but let's take a closer look into one: echo chambers. 

An echo chamber is defined as "an environment where a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own." Echo chambers have become increasingly widespread throughout the media and especially on social media platforms. Echo chambers are created quite seamlessly on social media platforms through the algorithms that the apps put in place. These apps take control of all data and information on these apps and provide each individual user with a feed that pertains most to their likes and interests. This is a flaw in social media that many are unaware of; young adults who spend hours on social media will begin to be engulfed by their likes and opinions and those of people who agree with them, thus creating confirmation bias. Confirmation bias goes hand-in-hand with echo chambers because both utilize the input of similar outlooks to viewers. 

Why Trying to Break People Out of Their Echo Chambers Might be  Counterproductive - UF College of Journalism and Communications

During research and in my personal beliefs there are many more negative impacts of echo chambers than there are positive ones. Echo chambers can hurt individuals in many ways. First, echo chambers eliminate the theory of having a marketplace of ideas, as we previously discussed in class having diverse and an abundance of sources is essential for expression under the first amendment. In a marketplace of ideas, "truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, the truth will win out. And the grappling makes the truth even stronger," (Smith). When you are trapped within the bubble of an echo chamber it is impossible for the real truth to be unfolded because only one side is being delivered. 

Another downside to an echo chamber of media and news is the effect it has on a variety of individuals. Young adults and younger generations who rely on social media or their phones for news and information will be missing out on a whole other thought process because of the algorithms our phones provide us. This will cause younger people to be undereducated and naive in the sense that they are unaware of multiple and opposing opinions to their own. On the other hand, older generations will grow frustrated with media and the way of life. Many older people want to see and understand both sides to a story because it is how they grew up seeing news when they were younger. They were able to read multiple newspapers, magazines, and print media in order to develop their own opinion. 

Comparing the reading habits of 5 generations (infographic)

In my personal life, I find that I receive news and information solely based on what I believe or enjoy. I personally find myself falling towards to middle and neutral range politically not an extremist either way but someone who can understand and agree with both parties at times. Therefore, I never see news articles on extreme opinions regarding a political topic. Although, I do enjoy reading about what I enjoy I feel uneducated about those who are different than me at times. On social media, I very rarely see an advertisement for a product I or someone my age would not want. All ads I see are for women's clothing, travel, stores I frequently search, etc., they know what I want to see and they show it to me every chance they have. 

Social media echo chambers and democracy – Technology vs Humanity: the  coming clash of man and machine

To end on a positive note, some researchers have found positive aspects to an echo chamber. The first one I saw while doing research was that it could be less controversial and can eliminate violence and fights. Next, echo chambers can provide journalists with a specifically targeted audience. This will allow them to understand the audience and tailor their publications to that audience. 

Writing this blog post really brought this course full circle for me. The echo chamber goes back to privacy or lack thereof and then back to the first amendment. We have the freedom to press and speech, so we should have the right and opportunity to read and view everything. As this course comes to an end I have become much more aware of the faults in our government surrounding the first amendment, it makes me wonder what they will take advantage of next? 

First Amendment - Rights, U.S. Constitution & Freedoms - HISTORY

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