Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Blog #11 EOTO 2 Discoveries

                                         Mind Games – Confirmation Bias – The Scripture Says

 After hearing all the presentations today in class the one term that stuck out most to me was the presentation on Confirmation Bias. Confirmatoin Bias is very closely related to the topic of Echo Chamber that I did my research and presentation on. Confrmation bias is defined as "the tendency to process informatioin by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with ones existing beliefs."    The effect of confirmation bias is typically stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply rooted beliefs. Confirmation Bias typically happens when a person gives more weight to evidence that confirms their beleifs and undervalues the evdence that could disprove the side on which they agree. 

Confirmation Bias appears in daily life at times we might not always know. For example, it is common for confirmation bias to happen in the lives of people who are religious and have a strong connection with their faith. Believers of any faith may see everyday occurances as "proof" of their faith. Positive events are typically viewed as miracles while negative situations are known as "tests of faith." On the other hand if you do not practce any religioin you will see the same occurances in a way to support your lack of faith. People who have a strong opinion willl justify almost any occurance or event to support the way they already feel or believe. I found this example, through my own research after class and found it very intreging and true because faith is not something for everyone but for those who take part in it it is typically a substaintial part of their life. Confirmation Bias has evolved tremendously due to social media and current day media and communication. 

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