Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Blog #6 Antiwar News

Antiwar News, or Lack Thereof

The idea of antiwar ideas and theories being widely spread throughout our country is not something us Americans are custom too. To have antiwar thoughts is seen to be unamerican and will typically be rejected by the vas majority of the country. The government will make the decision of war or staying out of war and will want to silence opposing thoughts as much as possible to decrease rebel from the American people. 

After exploring the first antiwar website   I noticed a few differences between this site and the more public news websites like ABC or Fox. The first major thing I noticed on this antiwar website is that they cover news throughout 15 different countries and regions. Typically news sources just highlight trending and current news on the most controversial or talked about areas at the time. I also noticed many strongly opinionated headlines for example " The Adults in the Room are always the most colossal screwups". Headlines are typically found to be factual and un-opinionated in mainstream news sources. 

I believe this website is not commonly found by many because of the controversy that surrounds the idea of being antiwar. As of today there are around 19 million military veterans and those individuals and those close to them would be very opposed to the idea of antiwar being widespread because in my opinion it is insensitive and offensive to those who served our country in any manner. 

The media is very highly controlled and manipulated to appear a certain way to viewers and it surprises me that websites like these are not facing censorship issues or getting blocked by those in the government with higher power of control. Although everyone has a right to speak and publicize how they feel about a certain topic it does not mean that everyone will agree with those ideas. This should emphasize the importance of having a marketplace of ideas to gather a variety of sources and opinions in order to form your personal opinion on the topic at hand. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Blog #4 EOTO Instant Messaging

The invention of Instant Messaging (IM) was a game-changer in many ways for the communication industry and more. Instant Messaging was first introduced in 1971. It was created by computer scientist "Murray Turoff, in 1971 as a chat function on a government computer network. American computer scientist Murray Turoff created IM as part of the Emergency Management Information Systems and Reference Index (EMISARI) for the Office of Emergency Preparedness." The invention and release of Instant Messaging was monumental for many industries and people across the country. IM allowed for the first time instant online communication with people across time zones and locations. It was a free platform to interact and spread information over the internet in a different format than email or previous communication techniques. The invention of IM created a more convenient way of communicating and staying in touch with family, friends, and even in the workplace. 

The invention of Instant Messaging was a foundational step toward further advances in the IM world. It quickly leads to SMS and texting as we now know it. Instant messaging is still widely used across the world and provides an instant connection for many on a daily basis. IM has seen significant improvements since it was first invented. The fact that IM is still used almost 50 years later means that it was crucial to the functionality of society and smaller communities. 

Instant Messaging has had a big impact on businesses and organizations worldwide. Many major companies use instant messaging apps to communicate with co-workers or teammates about quick questions or to send information regarding a certain project. Many messaging apps have been required for employees to download to communicate in group messages with the company or send direct chats to coworkers throughout the workday. Some may see this use of IM as a positive while some may disagree saying it takes away from productivity in the workplace. During the pandemic, instant messaging apps saw a 40% increase in usage as companies needed a way to contact coworkers in the most efficient manner while many worked from home for months. "Instant messaging is quick and convenient. It’s often faster than sending an email and waiting for a reply. This makes it a great addition to workplace communications."  As I have now personally completed multiple internships I have seen that IM dynamic and interacted with my supervisors on IM apps and see a big advantage in the opportunity to ask questions and leave comments in a quick and informal format when appropriate. IM also allows for co-workers to interact and connect personally with each other when they aren't working under the same roof or even spread out around towns and states. 

Almost all inventions come with some downfalls, the creation of instant messaging created security and data issues for many businesses that started using instant messaging apps in the early stages. When employees would save documents or attachments there were multiple times where they were not private or not saved properly in the chat which can lead to further issues. Also, many early instant messaging apps were not secure and created a dangerous threat of virus downloads from hackers. Finally, when instant messaging reached teenagers and younger audiences cyberbullying escalated. IM is more difficult to track than an email so people found it more 'safe' to say mean or hurtful things to someone else if it was not going to be traced back to them. Instant messaging, despite the negatives, has seen improvements and changes to increase its functionality across the world and remains a popular option despite the competitive market. 

Blog #5 Artificial Intelligence

The age of Artificial Intelligence is quickly creeping into our daily lives without us even knowing. Many individuals mindlessly give parts of themself up to companies like Google, Apple, and many more. Our phones and laptops unlock everything by scanning our face or by scanning a fingerprint loaded into our laptop, our credit card numbers are saved into Google accounts as well as a number of passwords and files. I find myself questioning how safe and secure are these databases? 

I have personally always been someone who has been opposed to in home ai, virtual. assistant technology sources. I have always found that as an invasion of privacy as those devices are always turned on and ready to respond. As a consumer by voicing just two words this device will grant your every wish. To me that raises many red flags but still, products like Alexa or an Echo Dot are still widely distributed and used. " Everything in the following few seconds is perceived to be a command or a request, and it's up to Amazon's cloud computers, where the correct response is triggered." Many. stories and theories surround these devices about how 'they are always listening.' 

To what extent are our gadgets spying on us and how much information do they store without our knowledge? Isn't it convenient how advertisements will appear online for a product you were talking to your friends about the night before. This. has.  now become a normal occurrence to many people but how is it truly possible? According to the New York Times, "the information it collects about you is used to market more products and services to you." I find this to be a concern, I now consciously make an effort to not save passwords, add cookies or give out much personal information to companies or outsiders unless necessary. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Blog #3 Eight Values of Expression

 The Eight Values of Free Expression are key theories to help comprehend the importance of the first amendment and freedom of speech for all Americans. During class when Dr. Smith spoke about these theories it truly made me think deeply about the importance and relation that the theories have to my personal life and practices. 

In my personal life, I find that The Marketplace of Ideas Theory resonates the most with me. I have grown up in a family that is not very political nor am I a person who turns to trending political news as a first choice. Therefore, I feel as though I lack knowledge about these related topics. Coming to college, I found myself surrounded by many opinionated people and I asked myself why I was not as opinionated as they were. I then did some research on the topics being discussed at the time to form my own opinion. In that past situation and even now I realize that having a "Marketplace of Ideas" is so crucial. I was able to conduct research from a multitude of sources, authors, journalists, and even informal sources like blogs or on social media. The Marketplace of Ideas Theory, first thought of by John Milton not only provides a range of sources but it allows for propaganda to be ruled out. The Bill of Rights has provided this marketplace idea to Americans for hundreds of years. "That provision has been the fundamental protection afforded to distribution and discussion of ideas, information, and the broader array of expression throughout the history of our country." The Bill of Rights and other foundational regulations and laws make this country a democracy and fundamental in the idea of having a marketplace of ideas. 

  "As years passed and sources and sources of information proliferated, public relations and propaganda evolved in sophistication and style. The words image and spin entered daily parlance, and in both cases, manipulated messages were involved. (Overholser & James)" The marketplace of ideas comes with many challenges in the modern context because of the abundance and differentiation among the competing sources throughout media channels. Although this idea faces some challenges, I find it still has a very strong significance in the modern world.

Protect Dissent is most important in my opinion. The idea of protect dissent is having the ability to criticize the government and form your own opinion as well as voice that opinion as freedom of speech. Society should not be seen as one, there cannot be one power telling others how to think, act, or what to say; that would not be a democracy. Freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The first amendment proclaims that citizens can speak freely "without government interference or regulation". I think that this ideation needs to be more prominent in today's society. I often feel as though when reading an article or watching the news they are being overly persuasive in the way they are presenting the facts. News should be mainly focused on the facts of what is happening and less on the opinion of those presenting the news because then that one opinion can sway the true gut feeling of the viewer. We may think "oh, well if that is how the journalist feels it must be right because they are credible." In reality, everyone should form their own, individual opinion after viewing the media channels of your choice. 


Of the Eight Values of Expression, the one that feels most personal to me is the idea of Promote Innovation. This idea refers to the effect that freedom of speech has on people; freedom of speech allows people to express their creativity, be more energized, and discuss diverse topics in interesting manners. This piqued my interest because I found it as a very interesting way to interpret freedom of speech and all that is included in the first amendment. Many people need an outlet for their creativity and speech and assembly are ways to express yourself that should not face reprecussions for their nature. 

Individual Self-fufillment seems to be most prevelant in todays society. As society becomes more accpeting of a variety of types of people I think that self actualization has increased signifcantly. People are concerned about themselves and will do almsot anything to strenghten their identity in their community. In a big crowd, at a university, in the classroom, in a club, how are you going to stand out? The first amendment gives everyone the protected right to speak, criticize, and think what we want giving everyoen their own unique standpoint. 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Blog #2 Supreme Court

Blog #2 

While watching the video about the Supreme Court I learned quite a lot in just twenty minutes. I feel as though I previously lacked knowledge about the Supreme Court as it is typically not taught in general history courses I have taken. The video taught me that the current President at the time will elect one individual to be the Chief Justice to serve throughout the president's term in office. That individual will serve as Chief Justice for the entirety of the President's term and then will have the opportunity to continue as a member of the Supreme Court but just not as the Chief Justice. I also did not know that the premise of the Supreme Court has been around since George Washington was president. When the Judiciary Act of 1789 was signed Washington "specified the court would be made up of six justices who would serve on the court until they die or retire." Learning that the concept of the Supreme Court has been around since the first president of the USA is very interesting and shows how successful the concept has been as it had withheld the test of time. 

The most important takeaway from the video is how ethical and successful the Supreme Court has stayed through generations. The Supreme Court has maintained credibility and respect within congress, the government, the court system, and the public. The Supreme Court is an imperative piece of society and the justice system as a whole. As Americans, we are subject to a fair and just trial and if that is not what we are provided we should have the right to stand up and fight for the rights we are promised as citizens. I enjoyed learning more about the Supreme Court and I suggest that all Americans become aware of the opportunities and rights we are subject to as citizens of the United States. The Supreme Court has made lasting impressions on the country whether good or bad through the cases they are presented at the Supreme Court level. Without them, our country would look very different than it currently does. The Supreme Court is essential to our country and needs to be respected and maintained in an ethical manner to ensure a fair trial for all Americans. 

The Supreme Court Building - Supreme Court of the United States

The most surprising aspect that I learned from watching the video and reading the article is that each justice writes their opinion and argument in the hopes to persuade the other justices to join their side to defend the argument that they believe is the best fit for the case at hand. Each Supreme Court Justice takes months to compose and write their thoughts and opinions down before presenting them to the other justices. Each individual's goal is to persuade the others to join their side. After this lengthy process concludes the justices come to a mutual agreement and then release their argument to the press. I am surprised that this process takes place after hundreds of years. I personally think that a more efficient process could be put in place so those involved in the court case do not have to wait months to a year to find out the ruling of the court. 

July 4th: The histories of all 27 U.S. flags for Independence Day

The video changed the way that I think about the Supreme Court because since I am not typically an individual who reads about court cases I figured that the Supreme Court had strict laws and regulations to keep the decision and case private amongst themselves since they hold such a mighty power. In reality, every thought and opinion is published to the press in print to let the public in on the decision-making of the justices. This was very interesting to me and almost confusing at the same time that the cases become so public to the media. Overall, I enjoyed watching the videos and interview clips as well as reading the article to get a broad overview of information about the inner workings of the Supreme Court. 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Blog #1 Five News Sources

 In this day in age, information is constantly circulating and impacting individuals' daily lives. With the evolution of technology, the abundance and availability of news sources are constantly increasing providing viewers with options of where they obtain their information from. It is very important to me that I am taking in diverse news sources so I am able to get more details as well as understand more and form an opinion on the topic at hand. 

The first and probably most convenient news source I find news on is social media, specifically Instagram. I typically find myself scrolling on Instagram and will come across a post regarding a current event. If this topic piques my interest I then would leave Instagram to get a more credible sources outlook on the same topic. I find that social media, in general, provides a convenient and fast way to get current news. Instagram allows for the opportunity to get updates and follow the news channel of your liking, for example, ABC News, FOX, and CNN all have Instagram accounts on which they post credible updates on trending and current news. I recommend Instagram as a starting point for researching news as it can be personalized to your preferences and is very convenient if you are an active social media user. 

Youtube is a news source where I find myself viewing content on lighthearted topics such as lifestyle, beauty, fashion, and design.Youtube is a platform full of Instant Influencers who range in a variety of industries and there truly is something for everyone to watch on Youtube which is why I think it is so great. For those like myself who are visual learners, youtube provides visuals and verbals to the viewer that lack in regular print channels of news. Many credible and trustworthy individuals and companies have created a Youtube channel as an additional outlet for viewers to interact with their content as the younger generations typically move away from print news Youtube provides opportunity. I would recommend Youtube to those looking for an audible and visual option to get news when it is convenient to them. It gives the viewer flexibility because they do not need to be in front of a television to view news and it provides such diverse options for viewers to choose from. 

The third source of news that I have grown up reading for news is the New York Times. Growing up in New Jersey allowed easy access to have the New York Times Newspaper be delivered to our home every day. I can recall my parents telling me about interesting topics and stories that were included in that day's newspaper. As I got older I began to skim through the headlines hoping a line would catch my eye. I most commonly would read topics in travel, business, sports, and world news. Since moving away from home I find myself visiting the New York Times website for news. This website is very easy to use by providing viewers with a menu bar full of potential categories of stories so you can easily find what interests you at the moment. Lastly, the New York Times is up on all major trends and is a very well-respected publication that I think everyone should add to their list of sources for daily news stories. 

NYT Open

A more recent addition to my list of new sources is Fox News. Since moving to the south for school I have heard many more, people talk about Fox as their main source for updates. I decided I would tune into Fox News on the television when I was home and compare it to the ABC News which was on in my house often when growing up. Fox News is a source I would recommend to others because it is the most viewed network for news for the past 7 years with better ratings than competitors like MSNBC and CNN. I recommend Fox News to those looking to form their own opinions and may need an opinionated outlook for comparison.

 Fox News Tops August Ratings As Most Watched Cable Network – Deadline

Finally, I tend to get my news from word of mouth. Being surrounded by students in classes, a dorm, or a dining location people are always conversing about trending topics, current events and life in general. The power of storytelling and word of mouth has survived through generations. Because I believe that everyone should have an opinion and is entitled to havinig their own I welcome conversation about current events to not only educate myself but others by sharing my personal opinion as well. I recommend talking to peers, professors, and community members about current news to provide you with a more well rounded outlook on what is currently happening where we live.